
Monday, September 1, 2008

Web Writers Cafe Is ReOpened!


How is everyone doing? I know I have neglected this blog a lot! But I am getting my stuff together and will be posting on here more frequently!

Funny thing is that I have not posted in so long and the PR for this blog is PR-3! Imagine that, figure that one out Google. I have learned a lesson and have removed anything to do with the 3P's site as it seems Google hates a blog that uses them.

So what have I been doing lately? Well, I have been making lenses at Squidoo and hubs at Hubpages. I really like those sites. It is very easy to make a page and the search engines love them. Check out a sample of each below!

Hubpages - Cornhole: The Game

Squidoo - Hypertufa Planters

I like Hubpages a little more because of the ease of building a hub,(check out the Hubpages widget in the sidebar!) but they really restrict you as far a promoting products on there, where as Squidoo is a little more cumbersome in the build stage, the allow any kind of selling, promoting etc. So I use both together!

Let me know what you think about Squidoo and Hubpages!

See ya......